Wednesday 17 March 2010


I was browsing through Maxim's website, reading up on their fashion articles and found a really exciting one on football casuals. The article gave an A-Z list of everything you need to know about the style and attitude of these casuals. Click here for the list.

I continued to read through the list and when i reached the letter 'Y' for yachting, it explained that the only other attire a football casual would touch in the summer months (apart from tennis clothing) would be yachting accessories. The article states that,

"While the cool months of the year were taken care of, clothes-wise, in the summer the only sport that could compete with tennis for clobber was yachting. Deck shoes by the likes of Sebago were especially popular, though the nearest they ever got to sea water was wading through the puddles in the car park outside Stoke City’s Victoria Ground."

I visited Sebago's website, and found the clothing to be really appealing. Since I have been researching nautical fashion I have discovered that many companies actually specialize in this area of the market. Some are very fashion conscious and others, such as Sebago are making sure that the garments are rugged, hard-wearing and suitable for life out at sea.

Whilst being aware of what is required at sea (clothing wise) and creating clothes that would be ready for action, Sebago have also made their clothing stylish and original.

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